Unlocking Your Divine Calling
Unleash Your Purpose: Prophetic Guidance and Creative Expression
For over a decade, I’ve been ignited by a powerful vision: to guide souls toward their divine destinies. As an ordained Pastor Prophet, Revelator, and Fivefold Gifts minister, I’m equipped to guide you through the depths of awareness and unlock your true potential.
Imagine stepping into a world where your path is illuminated, your doubts dissolve, and your confidence in your purpose blazes bright. My calling is to lead you to that very threshold, to help you recognize the divine blueprint etched within you and empower you to take leaps of faith that propel you toward your true calling.

I believe each soul holds a unique spark of the divine, and my mission is to reach those who haven’t yet discovered their light. Sharing the Good News of God’s grace and love is the foundation of my work.
I’m not just here to point the way; I’m here to equip you with the tools and insights you need to navigate your own spiritual journey. Through my live teachings, prophetic guidance, and personalized art pieces, I empower you to uncover your hidden strengths and embrace your divine purpose.
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I have known Apostle Janette Marie for many years. Glory Carriers International.
Teachings and Ministry biblical based. Sound Doctrine.
I have known her as she teaches and mentors many people over the years and takes you on a deeper level exploring other levels that make one go higher. Blessed in all that Christ is doing in you and those who will be Blessed in all the Works of the Lord.
Thank you